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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sitting Ducks System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-10-26 10:21:11 Views : 18432 Easy feathers Use the following trick to get ten feathers at a time. When you have reached East and West Ducktown, go to West Ducktown. Go to the school or swimming pool. Look around and you will see some ducks playing with a ball. If you have teeth or an alligator mask, put them on so that the other ducks will run away and not take the ball. The ball will have a blue and white pattern on it. If you are at the school, take their ball to the swimming pool; or if you are at the swimming pool, take their ball to the school. Once you have both balls, take one ball, find the other ball, and push them together. The two balls will turn into a new patterned ball. When you score, instead of getting five feathers, you will now get ten. Beware; if you hit the ball too hard it will separate into two balls again. If this happens, just take one to the other and push them together again. It is faster to make money if you take the swimming pool ball to the school yard, but it will work at the pool also if you prefer to play water polo over soccer. You will need either the Teeth or the Gator Mask (recommended, as you will need it later in the game). Go to a place that has a ball and a goal. Put on the Teeth or Gator Mask so that the other ducks will not steal the ball from you, but instead get scared and run away from you. Constantly get the ball and keep scoring. Five Feathers will fly out of the goal each time you score. Keep doing this until you get the desired amount of Feathers. To obtain double feathers, go to the western area and collect the school and pool ball. Kick one ball into the other to form a combo ball. Kick this into any goal to get double the amount of feathers from a goal than what you would normally get. Keep doing this until you get the desired amount of feathers. Also, if you have a mask you can wear it so the other ducks do not steal your ball. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Sitting Ducks cheat codes.
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